ICEP-2024 Tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija Europos procesų klausimais


KTU Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakultetas kviečia į tarptautinę, tarpdisciplininę, mokslinę konferenciją apie Europos procesus, kuri vyks 2024 m. gegužės 10 d. Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakultete (A. Mickevičiaus g. 37, Kaunas).

Konferencijos tikslas – suburti akademinės ir pilietinės visuomenės atstovus, viešosios politikos formuotojus ir įgyvendintojus, kurie pristatytų naujausius mokslinių tyrimų rezultatus ir aptartų praktinę reikšmę Europos procesams, susijusiems su naujomis koncepcijomis ir valdymo mechanizmų pritaikymu siekiant darnaus vystymosi tikslų.

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ICEP-2024 | International Scientific Conference on European ProcessesInformation in English:

Following the tradition, the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology organises an international interdisciplinary conference that delves into conceptual and practical developments of governance mechanisms at the European level to achieve the targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Therefore, the conference aims to bring together members of academic and civil society, public policymakers and implementers to present the newest research results and discuss practical implications regarding European processes concerned with new conceptions and adaptation of governance mechanisms towards Sustainable Development Goals. The contributions may take the form of case studies, theoretical models, or provisions of practical recommendations for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners interested in public governance mechanisms towards sustainable development. Political, economic, managerial and social aspects of governance mechanisms will be the focus of the conference.

Contributions are welcome in the following thematic fields:

  • Governance frameworks and mechanisms for social and environmental changes
  • Stakeholder engagement and collaboration for SDGs
  • Conceptual and methodological approaches to measuring economic, social or/and environmental impact of public and corporate governance processes
  • Policy analysis for reaching SDGs
  • Public and corporate governance responses to geopolitical crises
  • Governance practices for innovation and sustainability
  • Accountability and responsibility in decision-making for SDGs
  • Governance practices for inclusivity
  • Tensions of transformations in societies and organizations towards SDGs
  • Ideology and realities of good governance

The conference will take place on the 10th of May, 2024 at KTU Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, A. Mickevičiaus str. 37, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Language of the conference: English


10 gegužės d.

KTU Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakultetas

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