Vasario 27 d. KTU Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakultete viešės svečias iš Centrinės Floridos universiteto – dr. Naim Kapucu – ir skaitys atvirą paskaitą „Emergency Management Network Governance”.
Dr. N. Kapucu yra Centrinės Floridos universiteto (angl. University of Central Florida – UCF) Viešojo administravimo mokyklos direktorius, taip pat, Viešųjų ir ne pelno siekiančių organizacijų centro steigėjas. N. Kapucu tyrimų sritys apima viešąją politiką ir administravimą, tinklo, krizių valdymą, ne pelno siekiančių organizacijų ir nelaimių valdymą.
Paskaita vyks vasario 27 d. (antradienį), 17.30 val. 213 auditorijoje.
On the 27th of February Dr. Naim Kapucu (University of Central Florida – UCF) will read an open lecture „Emergency Management Network Governance” at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities of Kaunas University of Technology.
Dr. Naim Kapucu is Professor and Director of the School of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He is, also, the founding director of the Center for Public and Nonprofit Management (CPNM) at UCF.
Dr. N. Kapucu has published widely in areas of public policy and administration, network governance, crisis leadership, nonprofit management and disaster management.
The lecture will be held on 27th of February (tuesday), 17:30 at 213.
Summary of the lecture:
The purpose of this teaching activity is to articulate a multi-mode, multi-link emergency management network governance framework for understanding interorganizational coordination in emergency management in the US. The presentatiopn also will include aplicatiopns of network analysis and a systems-based approach, the study to the capacity, structure, and functions of multi-level (local, state, and federal) emergency management networks in the US. A multi-level network governance matrix will be presented to describe, analyze, and explain the inter-organizational relationships in emergency management networks. The teaching activiries examine the extent to which multi-level network governance influence interorganizational coordination in disaster preparedness and response, within the context of current emergency management policy frameworks. The presentation will also discuss the role of networks, organizational capacity, and collaborative leadership influence in interorganizational coordination in preparedness and response to disasters.